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Another Time
Another Time is a continuously growing research library focused on aircraft manufactured between 1930 and 1950. We provide detailed information, advertisements, drawings and photos to aircraft owners, artists, researchers, restorers, industry writers, etc. This comprehensive effort is a product of aviation researcher Dan Linn, who’s true passion is networking with devotees and preserving the history of rare airplanes. As a pilot, avid aviation historian and collector, Dan continues sharing his extensive research with patrons and enthusiasts.

Founder of another time
Dan Linn
Flying has been Dan Linn’s passion since he was young. In 1991 he obtained his private pilot certificate and has been researching and flying vintage aircraft ever since. He is the former owner of a 1946 Taylorcraft BC-12D and a 1956 Cessna 170B.
Apart from his day job in business aviation training, he can be found researching vintage aircraft and spending time with family. Dan makes his home in Texas where he lives with his wife and son.
Vintage Aircraft Research
Spartan 7W
You notice it at every airport, the moment a Spartan makes its appearance – a stir of interest, an air of enthusiasm… Novice joins expert in admiring the trim grace and proud beauty of a true aristocrat.
Lockheed 10/12
Airlines, private owners, corporations and government agencies in the United States and nearly a dozen foreign countries are flying these advanced all metal bimotor transport and executive airplanes – the famous Lockheed Electra Transport and the companion Lockheed 12 executive model.
Ryan Sport Trainer
The Ryan ST has been called the most beautiful of airplanes, but its pleasing lines are but a hint of its wonderful fly-ability. It will thrill you with its surge of reserve power, its climb, its speed and its feature light control, plus its great stability and exceptionally slow landing speed.
Curtiss Robin
Detail after detail, the Curtiss Robin proves itself a plane that’s built to last. It is built for safety, too. Let us prove to you that this ship solves a number of problems for transport and taxi companies, flying schools and private owners.
Clipwing Monocoupe
Now you can obtain America’s finest 2-place cabin plane – the unequaled controllability, fine flight characteristics, extreme sturdiness and sleep beauty with are the joy and pride of every Monocoupe owner.
Lockheed Vega
To fly a Lockheed Vega is more that to fly the world’s fastest commercial plane! It is to fly with a new feeling of confidence finding full justification in a correctness of design that places behind that speed tremendous safety factors achieved through rugged construction.
Another Time Blog
Another Time is a continuously growing research library focused on aircraft manufactured between 1930 and 1950. We provide detailed information, advertisements, books, drawings and photos to aircraft owners, artists, researchers, restorers, industry writers, etc. Here we post commentary on researching, restoring and flying vintage aircraft from another time.
Aviation is proof that given the will we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.
– Eddie Rickenbacker
The exhilaration of flying is too keen, the pleasure too great, for it to be neglected as a sport.
– Orville Wright
There is a kind of principle of the sky, a spirit of flight that calls to certain among mankind as the wilderness calls to some, and the sea to others.
– Richard Bach
Contact Dan Linn